
A Beginner’s Guide to Reading Tarot

Hey there! Ever wondered what those colorful cards with weird symbols are all about? You’ve probably seen tarot cards before but never quite understood what they mean or how to read them. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Tarot reading seems mysterious and complicated, but it’s easier to pick up than you might think. This beginner’s guide will have you interpreting spreads in no time. We’ll start with the basics – what tarot cards are, a quick overview of the major and minor arcana, and how to do a simple 3-card spread. Before you know it, you’ll be reading tarot for yourself and your friends. So shuffle up those cards and let’s dive in!

An Introduction to Tarot Cards

So you’ve decided to dive into the mysterious world of Tarotoo. Congratulations! Tarot cards are a fun and insightful tool for self-reflection and gaining a new perspective on life.

The Basics

Tarot cards consist of the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards). The Major Arcana represent significant life events and archetypes, like The Fool, The Lovers, and Wheel of Fortune. The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles, similar to regular playing cards.

How to Do a Reading

  1. Clear your mind. Take a few deep breaths to become focused and centered.
  2. Shuffle and cut the deck to mix the energies. You can do a quick shuffle or spend more time meditating with the cards.
  3. Lay out the cards in a spread. The most common spreads for beginners are the 3-card spread (past, present, future) or Celtic Cross (gives insight into life path).
  4. Interpret the meaning of each card. Notice the imagery and symbols. What feelings do the colors and art evoke? What’s the story the cards are telling?
  5. Look for connections between the cards. See how the cards relate to each other and your question or situation. Look for major themes or life lessons.

Tarot takes practice, but with an open and curious mind you’ll be gaining insight and wisdom from the cards in no time. Take your time, be gentle with yourself, and have fun exploring the magical world of tarot!

How to Do a Tarot Card Reading

So you have your tarot deck and you’re ready to do your first reading. Where do you start? Here are the basic steps:

Focus your question

Think about what insight or guidance you’re seeking. Frame your question in a clear yet open-ended way. Something like “What do I need to know about my career path right now?” is perfect.

Shuffle and cut the cards

While shuffling, hold the intention of your question in your mind. Split the deck into two piles when you feel ready. One half will represent the past/subconscious, the other represents emerging future energies.

Lay out the cards

The most common spread is the three-card spread: past, present, future. Or do a larger Celtic Cross spread for deeper insight. Place the cards face down, left to right.

Flip over the cards

Turn over each card one by one. Note the imagery and symbols. Pay attention to your first intuitive impressions. Don’t rush — allow the imagery and meanings to resonate with you.

Interpret the cards

The cards represent spiritual and life lessons. Look for connecting themes and listen for the story they tell. Consult a tarot book or app for guidance on each card’s meaning. But ultimately, trust your intuition.

Reflect on the reading

Think about how the cards reflect your current situation and the question you asked. Look for both confirmation of what you know, as well as new insights. Your tarot reading can be a powerful tool for gaining a new perspective!

Interpreting the Cards in a Tarot Spread

Once you’ve laid out your tarot spread, it’s time to interpret the meaning of the cards and how they relate to your question or situation.

Look at the Individual Cards

The imagery, colors, and symbols on each card represent certain meanings. Major arcana cards typically signify more significant life events while minor arcana cards represent everyday issues. Refer to a guidebook or search online for the meaning of each specific card. Pay attention to whether the card is upright or reversed – this can change the meaning.

Look for Patterns and Connections

See if there are any common themes, images or elements across multiple cards in your spread. For example, do you have mostly cups (emotions), wands (creativity), swords (conflict) or pentacles (practical matters)? Are there repeating numbers, symbols or colors? These connections can provide more insight into the overall message.

Consider the Position Meaning

The position each card falls in the spread also has meaning. For example, in a 3-card spread, the first card may represent your past, the middle your present, and the last your future. Or in a larger spread, the cards on the left could signify external influences while those on the right represent internal factors. The spread you choose provides the positional definitions.

Use Your Intuition

While knowledge of the cards and spread positions is helpful, don’t forget to tap into your intuition. What is your gut instinct about the reading? Do certain cards stand out as particularly meaningful or capture your attention? Your intuition can guide you to the most significant messages and help interpret what the cards are trying to tell you.

With practice, interpreting the cards will become second nature. But even for experienced readers, referring to resources and trusting your intuition is key to gaining insight from each new tarot spread.


So there you have it, a quick primer to get you started with tarot. Pick up a deck, find a quiet spot, take a deep breath and relax. Focus your intention, shuffle the cards, and see what wisdom the universe has to share with you today. Don’t worry if you’re not an expert reader right away – tarot is a skill that takes practice. The more you read, the more fluent and intuitive you’ll become. Soon, the cards will become like old friends, ready to offer guidance and insight whenever you call on them. The tarot has been around for centuries because it works. Open your mind, trust your intuition, and let the timeless archetypes and symbols speak to you. You’ll be reading tarot like a pro in no time!

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